First of all... I know I am in trouble. I have not made any postings since I started my blog months ago. I have no excuse - only to say that I am busy. However, I know that is a terrible excuse. Second of all... Don't you love the new title of my page (Holla'). Kelsie (my sister) and I were trying to think of title's for my blog - and once this one came up we couldn't even think of anything else. We were up way too late and laughing way too much and we think the title is pretty dang hilarious. I understand that the rest of you probably don't understand - but everytime I read it now, all I have to do is picture Kelsie saying "Holla'!!!- from the Holloways" or "What you want girl" - anyway - we are pretty retarded - but I hope you all enjoy it.
In other news - This blog will probably be pretty long - seeing how I have months of catching up to do. For starters the summer was mostly filled with the usual - work and school. During the few weeks in between the summer and fall semesters we took a trip to Wisconsin to visit Dave's family. We started the trip by flying into Chicago. It was beautiful!!! We camped at a KOA and did lots of things during the days that we were there. We visited the Museum of Science and Industry and saw a real submarine up close (it was huge). We went to Lego land (and spent WAY to long there in my opinion) but all of the boys loved it. We went to 6-flags where Dave got his wallet stolen and I got sick from riding the tea-cups four times in a row. We went up 100 floors on the Hancock observatory to view the city at night and watch the fireworks they set off on the pier. We also took a trip down to the pier where there was a lot of people and food and shops along with a giant ferris wheel.
This is a picture of Chicago taken at night - it really doesn't do the city justice.
This is a picture of the pier where the ferris wheel is and where they shot off fireworks.
This is a picture of Dave and his brothers (minus Joe).
Once again... not a very good picture - it is kind of out of focus. We have got to learn how to work with the night shot on the camera.
These are the sweet cars we saw while traveling the streets of downtown Chicago.

This is the bracelet that Dave bought for me while we were there. It was actually very sweet. We were walking through a store and we saw it. We both commented on how pretty it was, then we went upstairs to another store. Once we got to the other store Dave said he had to use the bathroom and he left. He was gone forever and I was thinking to myself (I hope he didn't fall in because I am not going in to help him). After a long time he found me and took me off by myself and gave me the bracelet. I love him!!!
Oh man was I excited to see your name at the top of my list! That is a way pretty bracelet. I think the name of your blog is clever.
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